Five Top Tips to Revitalise Your Return to Work After a Summer Holiday

Here are some tips you can follow to get back on top of your game without causing further exhaustion after the holidays. 

 1. Take it light

This is the moment when most of us make a list of resolutions for the new year. While it’s nice to start fresh and work on your goals, you can also take this time to reflect on the last year and make realistic decisions. The best thing to do is to go easy with your New Year’s resolutions. Research has shown that almost 23% of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week, so don’t just load your list with a bunch of plans. Instead, pick one goal for every month and work towards achieving it. 

2. Less planning and more action

One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make is planning a lot at the beginning of the year and getting lost in a sea of action items. This overwhelming feeling can be avoided by taking one step at a time without planning the entire course. As Brian Tracy notes in his book Eat That Frog!, when you have an ultimate goal, breaking the tasks down into simple goals helps you concentrate and provides better results. This also ensures you always stay on top of your goals without putting too much pressure on yourself.  

 3. Indulge in holiday delights

Holiday treats aren’t just for the holidays. Sometimes, it’s okay to indulge in activities you usually do during your time off—like grabbing a cup of hot chocolate or baking a batch of brownies—just to remind yourself that not all fun is lost once the holidays are over. 

 4. Try to establish a work-life balance

It doesn’t always need to be about work once you step into a new year. A Frontiers Psychology study found that proper work-life balance improves job performance by enhancing job-related satisfaction. This implies that for greater overall success, your number one priority should be to find a balance between your work schedule and your personal life. As the old adage goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” so try to strike an equilibrium. Take sufficient breaks, go on a walk when you feel overwhelmed, and plan your time off to avoid burnout and improve your quality of life.   

 5. Do something you’ve never done before

New experiences always fuel the soul. To make this upcoming year more entertaining, find things that interest you and channel your energy towards them. In the process of learning or doing something new, you will end up rediscovering yourself without the concerted effort. 

While getting back to work can be daunting, you can still make the best of your days ahead with simple yet fulfilling activities. 

Article by Sheryl for

It can be tough getting back to work after your summer break and for some, it can feel impossible to return to work with enthusiasm and determination right after the holiday fun; your body and mind likely aren’t going to give 100%. But don’t be too hard on yourself! The key is to take it one step at a time.

Here are some tips you can follow to get back on top of your game without causing further exhaustion after the holidays. 

 1. Take it light

This is the moment when most of us make a list of resolutions for the new year. While it’s nice to start fresh and work on your goals, you can also take this time to reflect on the last year and make realistic decisions. The best thing to do is to go easy with your New Year’s resolutions. Research has shown that almost 23% of people quit their resolutions by the end of the first week, so don’t just load your list with a bunch of plans. Instead, pick one goal for every month and work towards achieving it. 

2. Less planning and more action

One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make is planning a lot at the beginning of the year and getting lost in a sea of action items. This overwhelming feeling can be avoided by taking one step at a time without planning the entire course. As Brian Tracy notes in his book Eat That Frog!, when you have an ultimate goal, breaking the tasks down into simple goals helps you concentrate and provides better results. This also ensures you always stay on top of your goals without putting too much pressure on yourself.  

 3. Indulge in holiday delights

Holiday treats aren’t just for the holidays. Sometimes, it’s okay to indulge in activities you usually do during your time off—like grabbing a cup of hot chocolate or baking a batch of brownies—just to remind yourself that not all fun is lost once the holidays are over. 

 4. Try to establish a work-life balance

It doesn’t always need to be about work once you step into a new year. A Frontiers Psychology study found that proper work-life balance improves job performance by enhancing job-related satisfaction. This implies that for greater overall success, your number one priority should be to find a balance between your work schedule and your personal life. As the old adage goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” so try to strike an equilibrium. Take sufficient breaks, go on a walk when you feel overwhelmed, and plan your time off to avoid burnout and improve your quality of life.   

 5. Do something you’ve never done before

New experiences always fuel the soul. To make this upcoming year more entertaining, find things that interest you and channel your energy towards them. In the process of learning or doing something new, you will end up rediscovering yourself without the concerted effort. 

While getting back to work can be daunting, you can still make the best of your days ahead with simple yet fulfilling activities. 

Article by Sheryl for

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