Crossrail 2 Update

Network Rail has set out the first stage of planning for Crossrail 2 after issuing a tender for a £60m consultancy contract.

The rail operator is looking for a firm to undertake design and consultancy services for the ‘On Network’ element of the upcoming Crossrail 2 project, according to an OJEU notice.

The ‘On Network’ sections include areas in south-west and north-east London where Crossrail 2 could potentially link to the existing rail network.

The core Crossrail 2 route – the underground section between Wimbledon in the south and Tottenham Hale and New Southgate in the north – will be the responsibility of Transport for London.

Network Rail is seeking a consultant to undertake an assessment of the construction and operational environmental impacts of the potential Crossrail 2 route, as well as identifying the scope of works needed to protect or divert utilities.

Additionally, the contract sets out plans to identify which land on the route will need to be acquired and used for construction and operation of the Crossrail 2 network.

The consultant will also develop cost, programme and risk forecasts for Network Rail, and will be expected to “effectively engage with stakeholders to garner support for the scheme.”

According to the OJEU documents, a delivery model and delivery strategy for Crossrail 2 will be established in late 2017.

The consultancy contract has an initial estimated value of between £30m and £60m, with the potential for an additional pre-delivery extension of between £25m and £50m.

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