How to choose between two great candidates?

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

All employers and hiring managers know that recruiting new employees can be a long and costly affair, and that’s before inductions and training even take place. Employing the best person for the role will impact on the success of your business and the dynamics of your team.

So, what happens when you are faced with choosing between two great candidates?

First go back to the very beginning and re-examine why you seeking to recruit, what are the teams’, department’s or business’ priorities? What are you looking for in this candidate? What is most important: skills set, experience or maybe both?

If this doesn’t help with the decision……

Invite them both back for another interview and set them a task which they are likely to have should they be employed by you, involve the rest of your team if time/budget allows or better still invite them for a trial day.

This will not only show you who is most likely to perform best on a day to day but can also give you some insights into how the person will affect the company culture.

If at this stage you are still unsure, check their references.

References tends to be obtained once a person has been offered a position, but it is acceptable to ask for them at this stage and this will shed even more light on each candidates’ best attributes but also any not so good attributes.

On the grand scheme of things, it’s not the worst position to be in and in the current market one that most hiring managers perhaps wished they were in. Nonetheless, making the right choice is important.

Still haven’t found the person to fill that position. We can help.

Our service offering is wide ranging for both our clients and candidates and includes permanent recruitment, temporary Recruitment and executive search. Intersect Global can meet your individual recruitment demands in a prompt and professional manner, saving both time and effort whilst instilling confidence in our attitude to recruitment.

To contact us, simply fill out our contact form or call us on 020 3983 5195.

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