Let’s Build a Better World Together

At Intersect Global we are working hard to encourage and promote fairness, inclusion and respect in the workplace. We have a link on our website with our new helpful handout that we give to all our contract workforce. We believe this gives clear and simple advice about how to improve the working culture within the construction industry. https://intersectprod.wpengine.com/about-us/diversity/
We have recently become members of fantastic organisation called WISE; a campaign to promote women in science technology and engineering. In future we need to be looking at a wider pool of talent if we are to fill our clients vacancies.
We have been inspired by the dedicated approach that our client Skanska has taken on this subject. They recently hosted a fantastic debate entitled ‘The changing face of construction’ that was attended by more than 250 people – a mixture of clients, competitors and the supply chain, along with many other industry representatives.
Skanska’s vision is to be a truly diverse and inclusive organisation that mirrors the societies in which it works. They are leading the way towards a more diverse and inclusive culture in the construction industry and Intersect Global are dedicated to supporting them and all our clients in this area.

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Five Top Tips to Revitalise Your Return to Work After a Summer Holiday

Here are some tips you can follow to get back on top of your game without causing further exhaustion after the holidays.   1. Take it light This is the moment when most of us make a list of resolutions for the new year. While it’s nice to start fresh … Continue reading

How to Stay Positive in an Uncertain World

In recent years, the simple act of flipping on the evening news has become a challenging experience for those of us who strive to maintain a positive attitude. Just sitting there in your living room, watching one upsetting news story … Continue reading
