Two weeks to go until London 2012 Olympic Games

With two weeks until the London 2012 Olympics everyone is hoping this very British summer weather will make a change for the better.  The officials are moving in to the athlete’s village this week and construction contractors across London are charging ahead at full speed to make sure all road works are cleared in time.

There will be 30 miles of Games Lanes in London forming part of the Olympic Route Network linking venues. This is a requirement of the Host City contract and will end around two days after the Olympics finishes on 12 August and will not be in operation between the Olympics and Paralympics.

The construction of the Olympic Park has been a very welcome project to the industry at a time when the economy most needed it figures suggest around 40,000 people worked on the construction of the park and the village. It is one of Europe’s largest new urban parks for 150 years.

The park and new stadia looks magnificent and has been delivered on time and to budget. Lets hope that it can be a blueprint for delivering large scale construction projects and that sharing its lessons will help British businesses win more lucrative contracts around the world.

Come rain or shine it is an exciting time for the UK we very much look forward to enjoying the games. Our economy will benefit greatly from the extra visitors and we very much hope that a long lasting legacy will be enjoyed for many years to come.

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