Wages on the Rise as Competition for Candidates Continues to Increase

It is hard to believe we are soon to approach the half way mark for 2017, the year has flown by so far and activity here at Intersect Global seems to reflect the general buoyancy of the civil engineering & construction sector at the moment.

The Recruitment and Employment confederation have recently released the latest job out look report, this information is gathered by corporate members of the REC so should give an accurate and valuable insight into where the jobs market is at the moment here in the UK.

I thought it would be useful to a share a snap shot of the latest findings :

42 per cent of employers who have had difficulty recruiting candidates have increased the salary on offer, according to April’s JobsOutlook report.

In an attempt to attract candidates after failing with an initial advertisement, 80 per cent of employers re-advertised the role, while 24 per cent have resorted to lowering the requirements of the role.

The REC’s latest JobsOutlook survey of 600 employers also reveals:
• 22 per cent of employers plan to increase permanent headcount in the short term (the next three months) and medium term (the next four to twelve months).
• Construction, engineering/technical and health/social care are the three sectors where employers most expect a shortage of candidates for permanent roles.
• 19 per cent of employers plan to increase temporary agency headcount in the medium term, and 12 per cent plan to do so in the short term.

As ever Intersect Global have a range of interesting career opportunities available. Many of the roles we are working on are not advertised, if you are considering a career move or looking for your next contract assignment please give us a call on 020 76820668.

All the best.

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