Capability Rather than Haggling is the Key for Pay Rise

Haggling for more money or a better benefits package during the negotiation process of a job interview gets you nowhere, according to research from Huthwaite International.
The survey of 1,300 people in 52 countries also discovered successful negotiators make less than half as many counter-proposals as the average bargainer.
Instead research into the company and role proved key, with successful negotiators spending 120% more time seeking relevant information to understand their other parties’ strengths and weaknesses, the pressures placed on them, and what a successful outcome would be for their business.
Haggling is avoided, as it rarely results in a compromise between both parties, and can eventuate to an unsuccessful outcome.

Janet Curran, Head of Thought Leadership at Huthwaite International, believes that the amount of money you can ask for in a job interview can only be defined by how well you have sold yourself in terms of your fit for the role. “How much research you have done in determining what the going market rates for the job are and how this particular employer rates in terms of the salaries they are prepared to pay are all important factors,” she states.
Curran also adds that asking for a “better package from your employer does not necessarily mean asking for more money. There may be other ways in which you can get investment from your employer, which can add value for both you and them.
“Benefits like flexible working and working from home can add value for both sides. Asking for training to develop new skills that will benefit you both in the long-term may also be an alternative,” she concludes.

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