New Year – New Levels of Stress Amongst UK’s Workforce

Office workers returning after the festive season are experiencing higher stress levels, with half of the UK’s workforce (48%) revealing they are closer to burning out than they were just five years ago.

The research, conducted by Regus, surveyed over 3,000 of the UK’s business people about their work environment, and found that the top triggers of workplace stress are lack of exercise, feeling understaffed and job insecurity.

Finding ways to alleviate stress, many workers believe one way is a break from the main office, with 68% finding a change of scenery such as working from another location to be a good stress reliever.

In fact, having the freedom to occasionally work away from the main office is seen as a key factor in achieving a good work-life balance with two thirds (66%) of respondents believing workers with this flexibility are happier.

The experiences of those with the flexibility to work away from the office supports this, with three in five (62%) saying they are more content.

In addition, 53% of those surveyed believe that freelance workers, with their freedom to change location and set their own hours, are less stressed than regular staff.

Richard Morris, UK CEO at Regus comments: “Stress levels are mounting in the workplace as a result of various factors; workers feel deskbound and under-resourced.
“Dedicated workspaces offer the flexibility to work in a variety of locations. This is the future of work, and brings a number of benefits including improved productivity and employee well-being.”

If you are feeling over worked and under valued and would like to assess your career options please get in touch with one of our experienced consultants on 020 76820668.

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