Data centres waste heat to warm thousands of homes

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

The Government is injecting £65m into funding five big district heating schemes, including constructing the UK’s first heat network using waste heat from data centres to heat over 10,000 London homes.

Grants from the Green Heat Network Fund will allow the big district heating projects in London, Watford, Suffolk and Lancaster to proceed.

London’s Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation scheme in west London will get just over half the funding for its ambitious scheme to recycle waste heat from large computer systems storing internet data.

Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, said: “Keeping homes warm with waste heat from technology is a glimpse into the future – and demonstrates just how innovative this country can be when it comes to reducing our carbon emissions. ”

The transition to heat networks forms a major part of the UK’s carbon reduction commitment, with heating in buildings making up 30% of all UK emissions.

David Lunts, chief executive of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, said: “Recycling the huge amounts of wasted heat from our local data centres into heat and energy for local residents, a major hospital and other users is an exciting and innovative example of OPDC’s support for the mayor’s net zero ambitions.”

“We are excited to be leading the way in developing low carbon infrastructure, supporting current and future generations of Londoners in Old Oak and Park Royal to live more sustainably.”

Article by Aaron Morby

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